Your Local Professionals
For Pest Control In Surrey
Office: (01306) 735442
Mobile: 07971 519415
Surrey Hills Pest Control
Surrey Hills Pest Control: Your Local Professionals For Pest Control In Surrey and The Surrounding Areas
Surrey Hills Pest Control is the answer to all your pest problems.
Based in Surrey we cover the Surrey, Sussex and Hampshire areas serving all types of clients from domestic, commercial, industrial and agricultural helping them deal with their individual problems.
Here at Surrey Hills Pest Control we have many years experience dealing with all sorts of problems.
We are trained to use the correct insecticides and rodenticides approved for use in the UK so that you can be assured that they will be used correctly and safely in line with health and safety policies.
One of the training qualifications that we have is the RSPH Level 3 Certificate In Pest Management an industry recognised qualification.
We offer a variety of services covering all types of pests.
Some of the services we provide are:
•Wasp Control and Wasp Nest Removal
•Rodents (rats, mice and squirrels)
•Textile Pest
•Stored Product Insects
•Rabbits and Moles
•Contract Work Undertaken
•Prevention Methods
•Birds and Bird Proofing
•And Many More.
For more information on any of our services in your area contact us today to see if Surrey Hills Pest Control can help solve your problem.
Office: (01306) 735442
Mobile: 07971519415

It has come to the owner of this sites attention that there is someone else trading under the name Surrey Hills Pest Control advertising on social media sites. The contact details within this site are the only ones you should use if contacting the original Surrey Hills Pest Control.
The only Surrey Hills names that has any connection with Surrey Hills Pest Control are Surrey Hills Wasp Control and Surrey Hills Wasp Nest Removal